Seoul National University
서울대학교 Emeritus Professor 명예교수
장달중은 비교정치, 일본정치, 북한정치의 대가로서, 현재 서울대학교 정치외교학부 명예교수이다. 서강대학교 정치외교학과 조교수를 거쳐 1990년부터 서울대학교의 정치학과에 재직했다. 서울대학교 문리과대학에서 정치학사, 동 대학에서 정치학 석사를 받고 도미하여, 1982년에 University of California, Berkeley에서 정치학으로 박사학위를 받았다. 통일부 및 국방부 정책 자문위원을 거쳐, 통일부 정책평가위원회 위원장을 역임하였다. 『북미대립: 탈냉전 속의 냉전대립』, 『전후한일관계의 전개』, 『세계화와 일본의 구조전환』 등 수많은 저서와 논문을 출판하였다.
Prof. Daljoong CHANG is Korea’s representative expert of comparative politics, Japanese politics, and North Korean politics, and is currently Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Diplomacy at Seoul National University. He served as an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Sogang University, and has worked at Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Seoul National University since 1990. After receiving a BA in Political Science from Seoul National University’s College of Liberal Arts and an MA in Political Science from the same university, he earned his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982. He served as a member of policy advisory committees for the Ministry of Unification, as a member of policy advisory committees for the Ministry of Defense, and as the chairman of the Ministry of Unification’s Policy Evaluation Committee. He has published numerous books and papers, including 『North America Conflict: The Cold War Conflict in the Post-Cold War』, 『The Development of Postwar Korea-Japan Relations』, and 『Globalization and Structural Transformation of Japan』. |