LU Min | |
Jiangsu Writers Association
강소정작가협회 Novelist/Vice Chairman 소설가/부주석
중국 70세대 저명 소설가로서 단편소설 『伴宴』으로 중국 루쉰문학상 수상하였다. 중국작가상, 중국소설비엔날레상, 독자가 가장 사랑하는 소설가상 등을 수상, 소설『六人晩餐』은 동명 영화로 제작되었다. 현재 중국 江蘇省작가협회 부주석, 창작연구실 주임, 南京시작가협회 부주석, 중국작가협회 전국위원회 위원 등 역할을 맡고 있다. 현재까지 발표한 단편, 중편, 장편 소설 약 40여 편에 달하며, 초반의 작품들은 일상 속 가장 평범한 인물과 가장 익숙한 생활상을 통해 인간 내면의 질병과 사회의 암흑을 그려내는 내용이 다수였으나, 최근에는 평범한 사람과 일상의 가치를 조명하는 작품들이 눈에 띈다.문학과 부교수로 재직 중이다.
As a renowned Chinese novelist born in the 1970s, She won the Lu Xun Literary Award with her novella Accompanying the Feast. She has also won the Chinese Writers Award, the Chinese Novel Biennale Award, and the Readers’ Choice Award. Her novel Dinner for Six People was made into a movie with the same title. She is currently working as vice-chair of the Jiangsu Province Writers’ Association and has served as head of the Creative Research Institute, vice-chair of Nanjing City Writers’ Assocation, and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese Writers’ Association. So far, she has published approximately 40 short and medium-length stories and novels. Many of her early works depicted the diseases people have inside their minds and the darkness of society through the most ordinary people and the most familiar lifestyles in everyday life. However, her works shedding light on the values of ordinary people and everyday life are currently standing out. She is an associate professor of the Department of Literature. |