SHIN Bongkil | |
GSIS, Yonsei University
연세대학교 Visiting Professor 객원교수
Amb. Shin Bongkil is a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Int’l Studies(GSIS) of Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He had served as the inaugural Secretary-General of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat of China, Japan, and Korea (2011-2013) and the President of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.. Since joining the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978, he was mainly involved in issues related to North Korea, China and Japan and visited North Korea several times during the KEDO (The Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization) mission. His latest posts include Special Advisor at the Office of Planning for the North Korean Light-Water Reactor Project (2002-2003), Spokesperson for the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2003-2004), Minister at the Korea Embassy in Beijing, China (2004-2007), Ambassador to Jordan (2007-2010). He also served as Ambassador for International Economic Cooperation (2010-2011) and Ambassador for Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation (2013-2014) in the Korean Foreign Ministry. Amb. Shin graduated from Seoul National University with a B.A. in international relations, and was the editor-in-chief of the University Weekly Newspaper. He studied Chinese at Beijing University and received his M.A. and Ph.D. in North Korean studies from the University of North Korean Studies in Korea.
신봉길 대사는 현재 연세대 국제학대학원(GSIS) 객원교수로 재직중이다. 한중일 3국협력사무국(TCS) 초대 사무총장(2011-2013.8)과 국립외교원 외교안보연구소(IFANS) 소장(2014-15)을 역임했다. 외교부 입부 이래 북한 및 중국, 일본 관련 업무를 주로 수행했으며 경수로 원전 건설 업무와 관련, 북한을 여러 차례 방문했다. 주요 보직으로는 경수로원전지원기획단 특보(2002-2003), 외교부 공보관 겸 대변인(2003-2004), 주중국대사관 공사(2004-2007), 주요르단왕국 대사(2007-2010), 외교부 본부 국제경제협력 대사(2010-2011), 동북아협력 대사(2013-2014) 등을 거쳤다. 신봉길 대사는 서울대 외교학과를 졸업했으며, 재학 중 서울대 ‘대학신문’ 학생편집장을 지냈다. 이후 북경대학에서 중국어를 연수했으며, 북한대학원 대학교에서 북한학 석사와 박사 학위를 취득했다. |