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GUO Yanjun
China Foreign Affairs University

Deputy Director
Dr. Guo Yanjun is the deputy director of the institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University. He also serves as a research fellow at the Innovation Center on National Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights. As a member of the NEAT China (Network of East Asian Think-tanks), NACT China (Network of ASEAN-China Think-tanks) and NTCT China (Network of Trilateral Cooperation Think-tanks), he has involved in a couple of track II diplomacies in the past years.

He specializes in the study of international rivers and transboundary water resources management, esp. the Lancang- Mekong river water management. He has published relevant writings and articles both at home and abroad on transboundary water resources management.

He received his PhD in Political Science at Shandong University in China in 2007. He worked at Peking University as a post-doctorate research fellow from 2009-2011.