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HYUN Ki-Young

Writer 작가
Hyun Ki-Young is a Korean writer born in Hambakgul village, Nohyeong-dong, Jeju, 1941. He spent his career mainly to recover the historical truth of April 3rd Uprising and Massacre, which he experienced during childhood. His novel, based on the historical incident, <Aunt Suni> takes remarks on Korean modern history as well as literature. Hyun Ki-Young majored in English education in Seoul National University and worked as a teacher for 20 years. He has also served as the first head manager of Jeju 4·3 Research Institute, chairmen Writers Association of Korea, director of Arts Council Korea. In 2019 he was presented with The 3rd Jeju 4·3 Peace Prize.

현기영은 1941년 제주시 노형동 함박이굴마을 출생으로 대한민국의 소설가이다. 어린 시절 겪은 4.3사건의 역사적 진실을 복원하는 데 몰두했으며, 이를 배경으로 한 <순이 삼촌>은 한국 현대사와 문학사에 길이 남을 작품이 되었다. 서울대 영어교육과를 졸업한 뒤 20여 년간 교직에 몸담았다. 제주 4.3연구소 초대 소장, 한국문학작가회의 이사장, 한국문화예술진흥원 [(현)한국문화예술위원회] 원장을 역임하고, 2019년에는 제 3회 제주 4.3평화상을 수상한 바 있다.