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KWON Tae-shin
Korea Economic Research Institute
President & CEO 원장
Mr. Kwon joined the Korean Ministry of Finance and Economy in 1977. His career went on to fill key positions within the Ministry. From 1998 to 2000 he worked as Financial Counsellor within the Korean Embassy in London. After he returned to Korea, he served as Secretary to the President in Industrial Policy and Telecommunications, Director-General of the International Finance Bureau, and Secretary to the President in Economic Policy. In 2005, he was appointed as Vice Minister of Finance and Economy, a position which he held up until his appointment as Korean Permanent Representative to the OECD in Paris. After he returned to Korea, he was appointed as the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office. Upon his retirement, he served as the Vice chairman of the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness. In 2014, he became the President of Korea Economy Research Institute. Mr. Kwon received BA from Seoul National University, MA in Economics in Vanderbilt University and MBA from CASS Business School, UK.

권태신(權泰信•66) 한국경제연구원 원장은 서울대 경제학과를 졸업 후, 미국 밴더빌트 대학교에서 경제학 석사를, 영국 카스 경영대에서 MBA를 취득했다. 1977년 재무부 경제 관료로 경력을 시작하여, 영국 재경관, 대통령 비서실 산업통신비서관, 경제정책비서관, 재경부 국제금융국장 등의 주요 요직을 맡아 국가 발전을 위해 헌신했다. 이후 재경부 제2차관, 주 OECD 대표부 대사, 국무총리실장을 역임하고, 현재 한국경제연구원 원장으로 재직 중이다. 또한 Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia(ERIA)와 Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils(GFCC)의 한국대표를 맡아 왕성히 활동 중이다.