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YOON Gyu-Seob
Samil PwC
Public Sector Leader 부대표
Upon graduation from Korea University Business School, Mr. Yoon passed the licensing examination administered by the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants (KICPA) and joined Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers in November of the same year. Since 2004, Mr. Yoon has been a consultant in the Government & Public Services practice, where he is now the leader.
Throughout his career, Mr. Yoon has led the industrialization of Korea’s public sector. Externally, he had served as a member of many committees, including the evaluation committee for the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of National Defense, and Ministry of Health and Welfare; the Advisory Committee for the Seoul Metropolitan Government; and as an external inspector for the Board of Audit and Inspection, and Korea Communications Commission. Currently, Mr. Yoon is an auditor on the Board of Directors of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Previously, he was a public sector committee member of the KICPA and had received a citation from the Minister of Strategy and Finance.
Mr. Yoon participated in two publications of Samil PwC, titled “The Role of Corporations for Green Growth (2008),” and “Government Accounting Manual (2012).”

고려대학교 경영학과를 졸업한 뒤 1994년 공인회계사 시험에 합격하여 그 해 11월에 삼일회계법인에 입사하였고, 2004년부터 공공기관을 포함한 컨설팅 업무를 수행하여 현재 공공부문 본부장을 지내고 있다.
삼일회계법인에서 정부부처 및 공공기관 산업 전문화 리더를 역임하였으며 대외적로는 기획재정부, 국방부, 보건복지부 평가위원과 서울시 통합자문위원, 감사원 및 방송통신위원회 심사위원 등 다수의 공기업과 준정부기관에서 활동하였고 현재 한국외대 이사회의 감사 역할을 수행하고 있다. 또한 한국공인회계사회 공공부문 위원을 지냈으며 기재부 장관으로부터 표창을 받은 바 있다.
삼일회계법인의 저서인 《녹색성장을 위한 기업의 의무》(2008년), 《정부회계해설》(2012년)의 실무집필을 맡았다.