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CHUNG Hyun-Baek
Sungkyunkwan University
Professor 교수
Chung Hyun-Back is Professor of History at Sung Kyun kwan University, Seoul, Korea. She earned her B. A. from the Department of History Education, College of Education, Seoul National University, her M. A. from the Department of Western History, Graduate School of Seoul National University and her Ph.D. from the Department of History, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany. She is Co-Representative of Citizen's Peace Forum. She was also Co-Representative of Korea Women's Association United(KWAU) from 2001 to 2007 and People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy(PSPD) from 2010-2015. She was Chief-Editor Women and Society published by Changbi-Sa from 1987-2001. She was also General Secretary of Korean Committee of International Historian's Congress. From June 2004 to June 2004 she was President of the Korean History Education Society.
She has published over 100 journal and conference papers and co-authored over 15 books. Among books she has authored are Labour Movement and Worker's Culture(in Korean); Feminism and Nationalism (in Korean); The Kunst dem Volke oder dem Proletariat: Das Beispiel der Freien Volksbühnenbewegung in Berlin 1890-1914 (in German).

정현백은 서울대 사범대학 역사교육과, 대학원 서양사학과 졸업하고 독일 복흠대 사학과에서 박사학위를 받았으며, 성균관대학교 사학과 교수이다. 현재 시민평화포럼 공동대표, 민족화해협력범국민협의회 상임의장으로 활동하고 있고 참여연대(2010-2015)와 한국여성단체연합 공동대표(2001-2007)를 역임했다. 여성과 사회(창작과 비평사) 편집장(1987-2001), 국제역사학회의 한국위원회 사무총장, 한국역사교육연구회 회장 등도 역임했다.
100편 이상의 학술논문과 학술회의 발표문이 있고, 15권 이상의 저서(공저 포함)가 있다. 대표적인 단행본으로는 노동운동과 노동자문화(한길사), 민족과 페미니즘(당대), The Kunst dem Volke oder dem Proletariat: Das Beispiel der Freien Volksbühnenbewegung in Berlin 1890-1914(Peter Lang Publishing Company, Frankfurt/M) 외 다수가 있음.