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HONG Sook-Hee
Jeju Institute for Lifelong Education and Scholarship
Director of Strategic Planning 전략기획부장
Dr. Sook-hee Hong completed her doctorate in lifelong education from Chung-Ang University in Korea. Since 1987, she has been in the field of lifelong education, a working secretary of the Korea Association for Community Education, and the executive officer of the Bucheon Association, the director of the Bucheon City Lifelong Learning Center, and a visiting researcher at the National Institute for Lifelong Education. She worked as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Education Graduate School of Education. After returning to his hometown of Jeju in 2012, she has been conducting research and practice for the development of local lifelong education in Jeju. She is currently a director of The Korean Society for the Study of Lifelong Education, and the Korean Federation for Lifelong Education, and the Korean Association for Lifelong Educator. Her main research topics are lifelong education policy and community education, lifelong learning cities and learning communities, self-directed learning and learning support systems, and recently researching on policy and practice of older adults’ lifelong education

홍숙희 박사는 중앙대학교 일반대학원에서 평생교육 박사학위를 취득했다. 1987년부터 평생교육현장에 몸담아 한국지역사회교육협의회 간사 및 부천협의회 사무국장, 부천시평생학습센터 소장, 국가평생교육진흥원 초빙연구원. 가톨릭대학교 교육대학원 겸임교수로 근무하였다. 2012년 이후 고향 제주로 돌아와 제주 지역평생교육의 발전을 위한 연구와 실천을 하고 있다. 그녀는 현재 한국평생교육학회 이사, 한국평생교육총연합회 이사, 한국평생교육사협회 이사이다. 그녀의 주요 연구주제는 평생교육정책 및 지역사회교육, 평생학습도시와 학습공동체, 자기주도학습과 학습지원체계이며, 최근 노인평생교육 정책과 실천에 대한 연구를 진행하고 있다.