KIM Hyun-wook | |
Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, KNDA
국립외교원 Director-General 미주연구부장
Dr. KIM Hyun-Wook is a Director-General in the Department of American Studies at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) and his research areas include ROK-U.S. alliance, U.S.-DPRK relations, and Northeast Asian security. Currently, he serves as an advisory member to the National Security Council and the Ministry of Unification, as well as a standing member of the National Unification Advisory Council. He was a visiting scholar at UC San Diego in 2014. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from Brown University and worked at the University of Southern California as a postdoctoral fellow. He received his B.A. from Yonsei University.
김현욱 교수는 국립외교원 미주연구부장으로 재직 중이며, 주요 연구분야는 한미 동맹, 미북관계, 동아시아 안보 등이다. 김현욱 부장은 현재 국가안보실 및 통일부 자문위원으로 활동하고 있으며 국가통일자문위원회 회원이다. 2014년에 미 UC 샌디에고대 방문학자로 재직했다. 연세대 학사, 브라운대 석•박사를 졸업했고 남가주대에서 박사후 연구원을 지냈다. |