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HA Taewon
Channel A
Editor of Investigative Report 보도제작팀장
Mr. HA Taewon is a General Manager of Investigative Report Team at Channel A (Seoul-Based Broadcasting Company). Previously Mr. Ha was a General Manager at Political Desk, and International Desk subsequently. He was a news host for ‘News Station’ and Evening News as well.
Before he moved to Channel A as a broadcasting reporter, he spent most of his career as a print journalist at The Dong-A Ilbo (Daily Newspaper). As the paper's Washington Correspondent (2008~2011), he covered the US presidential elections and Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He had also been embedded in Afghanistan, reporting on the South Korean reconstruction mission, and North Korea, where he was a press representative reporting on ministerial talks and family reunions. He also worked as an Editorial Writer for nearly 3 years.

Mr. Ha received a B.A. in political science from Yonsei University, a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) from Tufts University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Science at Kyungnam University.