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Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
인도네시아 발리 우다야나 대학교
Rector (President) 총장
Dr. Ketut Suastika is currently the Rector (President) at the Udayana University in Bali, Indonesia. He was elected to his present office in 2013 and will continue until 2017. He began his career as an internist and an endocrinologist in medicine and began teaching at the Udayana University in December of 1980 and has been working there for 35 years and 5 months. He served as the Dean for the Faculty of Medicine from October 2008 to July 2013 and was responsible for developing the faculty of medicine to be internationally recognized and accredited. Before that, he was the head of the Department of Internal Medicine at Udayana University from January 2001 to June 2006 and contributed greatly in increasing the quality and competence of the department.

케툿 스와스티카 총장은 2013년에 선출된 인도네시아 발리 우다야나 대학의 현직 총장이다. 스와스티카 총장은 내과전문의이자 내분비학자로서 우다나야대학교에서 1980년부터 의학분야 강의를 35년간 해왔으며 2001년부터 2006년까지는 우다야나 대학의 내과과장으로 2008년부터 2013년까지 의대학장으로 역임하며 우다야나 대학의대가 국제적으로 부상할 수 있도록 기여한 바가 크다.