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SOK Touch
Royal Academy, Cambodia
캄보디아 왕립아카데미
President 원장
쏙 뚜잇 원장은 현재 캄보디아 왕실아카데미에서 근무 중이며, 2000년부터 2005년까지 Humanities and Social Sciences 연구소에서 근무했다. 또한, 2005년부터 2017년까지 캄보디아 국제관계연구소에서 근무했다. 또한 러시아에서 정치학으로 학사, 석사, 박사학위를 취득했다.

Dr. Sok Touch is the President of Royal Academy of Cambodia. He served as Director for department of History and Political science at Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences between 2003 and 205. He also served at International Relations Institute of Cambodia between 205 and 2017. He received his BA, MA, PhD from the Political Science at Russia.