KIM Hyun-kyung | |
MBC Unification Broadcast Centre
MBC Managing Director 통일방송추진단장
김현경은 1964년 서울에서 태어나 33년 째 한국의 방송사 MBC에서 일하는 언론인이다. 경력의 대부분을 한국의 통일부 출입기자와 북한 취재 전문기자, 북한 전문 TV 프로그램인 통일전망대 제작 및 진행자로 일하였으며 현재는 MBC에서 통일방송추진단장으로 북한관련 프로그램 제작과 북한과의 협력사업 추진 업무를 책임지고 있다.
남북회담, 교류, 북-미관계 및 북한의 핵전략, 권력 및 사회현상, 미디어 등에 대한 취재, 연구, 분석에서 성과를 축적했다. “김정은 권력승계의 담론 연구”로 박사 학위를 받았다. Hyun-Kyung Kim was born in Seoul in 1964, and has been working as a journalist at MBC, one of the major Korean Broadcasting companies, for 33 years. She spent most of her career as a correspondent for the Ministry of Unification of the ROK and a professional reporter on the North Korean affairs, also working as the producer and anchor for a North Korea-focused TV program named 'Observatory for Reunification’ of MBC TV. She now is in charge of program producing and initiating joint programs with North Korea as a Managing Director at Unification Broadcasting Center, MBC. She has accumulated accomplishments in the coverage, research, and analysis on subjects like the inter-Korean summits and exchanges, US-North Korea relations, North Korean nuclear strategy, power and social phenomenon, media, and so on. She completed her Ph.D. dissertation entitled "From Preparation to Execution: Discourse Strategy over Kim Jong Un’s Succession in North Korea” |