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YU Young Seon
BPW Korea
전문직여성 한국연맹
President 회장
Cheongju University(M.A.), Korea International Culture University of Graduate(Ed. M.) Korea International Culture University of Graduate(Ed. D.)
She is a newspaper journalist and Executive director of The Dong-yang Dailynews and Writer of children's stories.
She is President of the Literary Chungbuk Women's Association and President of Chungbuk Women's forum and member of Gender network forum in Korea.
She is Chairwoman of 21C Gender committee and Chairwoman of Gender festival culturale.
She is member of BPW since 1987 and the 25th President of BPW KOREA 2016-2017.

청주대대학원(문학석사), 국제문화대(교육학석사), 국제문화대(교육학 박사)
신문 저널리스트, 동양일보 상임이사
동화작가, 충북여성포럼대표, 젠더네트워크포럼회원, 21세게 여성위원회 위원장, 여성문화제위원장.
BPW 회장(2016~2017)