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Korea Institute for National Unification
Research Fellow, Director of North Korean Research Division 북한연구실장
홍민 박사는 통일연구원 연구위원으로 재직 중이며 동국대에서 정치학 박사학위를 수여 받았다. 주요 연구 분야로는 북한정치·사회, 북한 도시연구, 분단사회연구 등이 있다. 북한연구학회 총무 및 연구 이사를 역임하였다. 주요 저서로는 『북한의 핵·미사일 관련 주요 활동 분석(2017)』, 『북한 핵개발 고도화의 파급영향과 대응방향(2016)』, 『북한의 시장화와 사회적 모빌리티(2016)』, 『분단의 행위자-네트워크와 수행성(2015)』 등이 있다.

Dr. Hong Min is Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). His main research areas include North Korean politics and society and studies on North Korean urban areas and divided society. He completed his Ph.D. at the Department of North Korean Studies at Dongguk University. He was a member of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies (KANKS). Dr. Hong's major publications include “Analysis on Major North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Activities (2017),” “Implications of North Korea's Nuclear Advancement and Responsive Measures (2016),” “North Korea’s Marketization and Social Mobility (2016)” and “Actor of Division – Network and Capability (2015).”