LEE Jong-seh | |
Korean Society of Civil Engineers
대한토목학회 President 회장
이종세 교수는 연세대학교 토목공학과를 졸업하고, 구조공학으로 미국 펜실바니아 대학에서 석사를, 프린스턴 대학에서 박사를 했다. 미국 클락슨 대학교 교수(Tenured)를 거쳐, 1995년부터 한양대학교 건설환경공학과에 재직하고 있다. 한국공학한림원 정회원으로서 현재 과학기술단체총연합회(과총) 부회장을 맡고 있다. 한국지진공학회 부회장, 한국전산구조공학회 회장 등을 역임했고, 현재 대한토목학회 제51대 회장으로 봉직하고 있다.
Jong Seh Lee obtained BS in Civil Engineering from Yonsei University, MS in Structural Engineering from University of Pennsylvania and Ph.D. in Structural Mechanics from Princeton University. He was a professor at Clarkson University in the United States (Tenured) and has been with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Hanyang University since 1995. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK), and is currently a vice president of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST). He has served as a vice president of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea and a president of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea. He is now serving as the 51st president of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE). |