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Nihon University
일본 니혼대학
Associate Professor 부교수
고바야시 교수는 현재 니혼대학 (日本大学) 법학부 부교수로 재직 중이며, 일본국제문제연구소(JIIA) 조사연구위원, 제주평화연구원 객원연구위원으로도 활동하고 있다. 일본 히토쓰바시 대학 (一橋大学) 사회학부에서 사회학 학사, 석사 박사학위를 받았다. 그는 일본학술진흥회(JSPS) 특별연구원, 동경대, 메릴렌드대, 서울대, 고려대, 동서센터(East-West Center in Washington), 캠브리지대, 경희대 등에서 연구 및 교육활동을 한 바 있다. 연구분야로는 한반도 지역연구, 동아시아 국제정치사 및 미디어 프로파간다 역사 등이 있다.

Dr. Somei Kobayashi is an associate professor of College of Law, Nihon University and a research project member of The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA). Also, he is also a visiting fellow of Jeju Peace Institute. He received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan. Before joining Nihon University, he studied at Seoul National University at Seoul National University as an exchange student and served as a JSPS research fellow at University of Tokyo, as a visiting scholar at various universities (University of Maryland, Korea University and University of Cambridge), as a faculty member at Kyung Hee University, as a visiting research fellow at East-West Center Washington. He is specialized in the International History of East Asia with a special attention to the Inter-Korean societies and media/propaganda studies.