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LEE Hochul
Incheon National University
인천대학교 정치외교학과
Professor 교수
현재 인천대학교 정치외교학과 교수, 중국연구소 소장, 외교부 정책자문위원(정책기획분과 위원장), 국제교류재단 운영자문위원장.
한국국제정치학회 회장, 북경대학, 콜럼비아대학 방문교수 역임. 전공은 중국정치와 동아시아 국제정치 분야. 최근 연구로 “The Denuclearization and Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula”(2019), “South Korea-China Relations as Strategic Partnership: Its Scope and Limit”(2018), “Power Politics Behind the Transforming Geopolitics in East Asia”(2017), “Rising China and the Evolution of China-North Korea Relations”(2014), “China in North Korean Nuclear Crises: 'Interest' and 'Identity' in Foreign Behavior”(2013) 등 발표. 서울대학교 학사, 미국 럿거스대학 정치학 석사, 박사. hochul82@gmail.com

Dr. LEE Hochul is a Professor of China and International Studies at Department of Political Science, Incheon National University and Director of the Institute of China Studies (ICS). Dr. Lee currently serves Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROK, as Committee Chair of Policy Planning, and the Korea Foundation as Chairman of Advisory and Managerial Committee. Dr. Lee served as President of the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS) and the Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative as an Advisor on Foreign and National Security Affairs.
Dr. Lee has published a number of researches on China and International Studies, including “The Denuclearization and Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula”(2019), “South Korea-China Relations as Strategic Partnership: Its Scope and Limit”(2018), “Power Politics Behind the Transforming Geopolitics in East Asia”(2017), “Rising China and the Evolution of China-North Korea Relations” (2014), and “China in North Korean Nuclear Crises: 'Interest' and 'Identity' in Foreign Behavior”(2013).
Dr. Lee earned his B.A. from Seoul National University (1981) and his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science at Rutgers University (1993) in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. He also conducted researches at Peking University and Columbia University. He can be reached via hochul82@gmail.com .