KIM In | |
Planning&Strategy Affairs in KOICA
한국국제협력단 Vice President 전략기획 이사
Mr. In Kim is a Vice President for Planning & Strategy affairs in Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). He started his career in the field of international cooperation at the Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee (SLOOC) and the International Private Economic Council of Korea (IPECK, later Northern Regional Center in KIEP). Since he joined the KOICA in 1991 where he has spent most of his career, he has held various positions including public relations, research, overseas volunteer and HR among others. And he has worked as a resident representative of KOICA at the overseas offices in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. He studied regional development (BA), international economics (MA) and agricultural economics (ABD).
현재 한국국제협력단 (KOICA)의 전략기획 이사로 재직 중이다. 서울올림픽대회조직위원회와 국제민간경제협의회 (이후 KIEP 북방지역센터)를 시작으로 국제협력 분야의 경력을 시작했다. 1991년 이후 한국국제협력단에서 홍보, 기획, 연구, 해외봉사단, 인사 등 한국 ODA의 다양한 분야에서 경력을 쌓아왔으며, 태국, 인도네시아, 필리핀, 베트남 KOICA 해외 사무소 소장을 역임한 바 있다. |