SOHN Yul | |
Yonsei University
연세대학교 국제대학원 Professor 교수
손열(孫 洌), 시카고대학교 정치학 박사. 중앙대학교를 거쳐 연세대학교 국제학대학원 교수. 현재 재단법인 동아시아연구원(East Asia Institute) 원장이다. 또한 2019년도 제63대 한국국제정치학회장직을 수행하고 있다. 연세대학교 국제학대학원 원장과 언더우드국제학부장 등을 역임하였고, 도쿄대학과 와세다대학 특임교수, 노스캐롤라이나대학(채플힐)과 캘리포니아대학(버클리) 객원교수를 거쳤다. 현대일본학회장을 지냈다. 전공분야는 일본외교, 국제정치경제, 동아시아지역주의, 공공외교. 최근 저서로는 Japan and Asia's Contested Order (2018, with T. J. Pempel) and Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia (2016, with Jan Melissen) 등이 있다.
Yul Sohn is the President of the East Asia Institute (EAI) and Professor of the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He is also President of the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS) for the 2019 term. He served Dean of the GSIS (2012-2016) and President of the Association for Contemporary Japanese Studies (2012). Before joining the faculty at Yonsei, Sohn taught at Chung-Ang University, and was a visiting scholar at institutions in the University of Tokyo, Waseda University, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the University of California, Berkeley. Sohn serves as policy advisor Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade and the Korean Diplomatic Academy. Sohn has written extensively on Japanese and East Asian political economy, East Asian international relations, and public diplomacy. His most recent publications include Japan and Asia's Contested Order (2018, with T. J. Pempel) and Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia (2016, with Jan Melissen) both from Palgrave MacMillan. Sohn received his Ph. D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. |