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BYUN Hyung-seon
Jeju Free International City Development Center
Director of Environmental Business Department 환경사업처장
변형선(邊亨宣)은 1967년 제주 출생으로 고려대학교 졸업 후 동대학원 지질학 석사 학위를 취득하고, JDC에서 비서실장, 면세기획처장, 조사연구팀장 등을 역임한 바 있으며, 국토교통부 장관상을 수상하기도 했다. 현재는 환경사업처장으로서 첨단농식품단지 조성 사업 기획과 신규·미래사업 발굴을 담당하고 있다. 변형선은 이러한 프로젝트를 실현시키는 책임자로서, 제주를 미래지향적 국제자유도시로 만드는 데 일조하고 있다.

Byun Hyung-seon was born in Jeju, Korea, in 1967 and graduated from Korea University and Korea University Graduate School. He has served in various positions in JDC, including a Chief Secretary of the chairman, a director of the Sales Planning Department, a director of Research Team. Also, he received an award from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Currently, as a director of Environmental Business Department, he is in charge of planning the project of establishing high-tech agri-food complex and future business to deal with the 4th industrial revolution and to make Jeju Island a future-oriented free international city.