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LEE Do-hoon
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.K
Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs 한반도평화교섭본부장
학 력 :
1985. 2. 연세대 경제학과 졸
1991. 9. 옥스퍼드 대학교 외교관과정 수료
1992. 9. 킹스칼리지 런던 전쟁학 석사
주요경력 :
1985. 6. 외무부 입부 (85.5 제19회 외무고시)
1986. 7. 공군정보장교(~89.3)
1994. 6. 주국제연합1등서기관
1997. 6. 주잠비아1등서기관
1998. 6. 주튀니지1등서기관
2001. 2. 국가안전보장회의 전출
2002. 2. 대통령비서실 파견
2003. 4. 외교안보연구원 기획조사과장
2004. 2. 차관보좌관
2004. 9. 국제연합과장
2005.12. 주국제연합참사관
2008. 7. 주이란공사
2010. 6. 국제기구국협력관
2010. 7. 장관보좌관
2010.12. 대통령실 파견
2012. 8. 북핵외교기획단장
2014.10. 주세르비아대사
2016. 9. 대통령비서실 외교비서관
2017. 9. 한반도평화교섭본부장

Feb. 1985 B.A. in Economics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Sep. 1991 Certificate in Diplomatic Studies, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Sep. 1992 M.A. in War Studies, King‘s College London(KCL), United Kingdom
May 1985 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination
Jun. 1985 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Jul. 1986 Served as an intelligence officer in the Republic of Korea Air Force
(~Mar. 1989)
Jun. 1994 First Secretary, Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York,
Jun. 1997 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Zambia
Jun. 1998 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Tunisia
Feb. 2001 Assistant Secretary, Secretariat of National Security Council (NSC)
Feb. 2002 Assistant Secretary for Diplomacy and Trade Affairs, Office of the
Apr. 2003 Director, Planning and Research Division, Institute of Foreign Affairs and
National Security (IFANS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT)
Feb. 2004 Advisor to the Vice Minister, MOFAT
Sep. 2004 Director, United Nations Division, Office of Policy Planning and
International Organizations, MOFAT
Dec. 2005 Counsellor, Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York, U.S.A.
Jul. 2008 Minister, Korean Embassy in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Jun. 2010 Deputy Director-General, International Organizations Bureau, MOFAT
Jul. 2010 Senior Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dec. 2010 Senior Assistant Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Office of the President
Aug. 2012 Director-General, North Korean Nuclear Affairs Bureau, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
Oct. 2014 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Serbia
Sep. 2016 Secretary to the President for Foreign Affairs, Office of the President
Sep. 2017 Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs,
FAMILY : Married with one son