KIM Changho | |
Lawyer licensed in Japan 일본변호사
재일 동포 2.5 세. 일본 출생. 2008 년 일본에서 변호사 등록 후 재일한국인 및 기타 일본의 민족적소수자의 차별철폐활동을 경험. 2014 년과 2018 년에 UN인종차별철폐위원회에 정보제공활동을 담당. 일본시민단체와 변호사등과 협력하면서 일본의 인종차별철폐법 제정을 추진 (미실현).
2016년부터 2018년에 걸쳐 일본의 인권단체 Human Rights Now에서 사무차장을 담당. 일본변호사연합회의 국제문제위원회의 위원과 재일코리안변호사협회의 위원을 역임. 도쿄대학법학부졸업. 시카고대학 석사졸업. 2015년 UN유엔인권고등판무관실에서 Minority Fellow를 경험. Changho Kim was born and grew up in Japan as a 2.5 generation Korean ethnic minority in Japan. After becoming a lawyer licensed in Japan in 2008, he was actively involved in various projects working for the elimination of discrimination against Koreans and other minority groups in Japan. He took the initiative to draft a shadow report for UN CERD Committee in 2014 and 2018 about hate speech and hate crimes against Koreans in Japan and presented the issue in front of the Committee members. He worked with other Japanese lawyers and activists to make a bill that would ban racial discrimination. From 2016 to 2018, he served as a deputy secretary general of Human Rights Now, a Japan-based human rights organization. Changho also worked for a number of human rights organizations, including the international human rights committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and Lawyers Association of Zainichi Koreans (Koreans in Japan). Changho holds a BA in law from the University of Tokyo, and earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Chicago Law School. He was selected as a senior minorities fellow of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2015. |