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KIM Sung-soo
Cheju Halla General Hospital
President 병원장
김성수는 현재 민주평화통일자문회의 제주지역 부의장으로, 제주한라병원 병원장과 의료관광의 전진기지로 병원과 호텔을 융합한 국내 최초의 헬스리조트 ‘THE WE’의 대표이다. 또 한국국제의료협회 이사. 대한병원협회 이사. 제주도병원회장, 제주지방경찰청 경찰발전위원회 위원장, 사단법인 북한동포돕기 제주도민운동본부 이사 등을 맡고 있다. 중국 절강(浙江)대학 부속병원인 항저우(杭州) 제일인민병원 명예 병원장으로 추대되기도 했다.

Kim Sung-soo is currently the vice-chairman of the Jeju regional branch of the National Unification Advisory Council. He is the president of the Cheju Halla General Hospital and ‘THE WE', the first health resort in Korea. And he is the director of the Korea International Medical Association, Director of Korean Hospital Association. President of Jeju Provincial Hospital Association, Chairman of Police Development Committee of Jeju Provincial Police Agency, and the Director of Jeju Provincial Movement Headquarters to Support North Korean Citizens. He is also named as the honorary hospital director of the first People's Hospital in Hangzhou, which is a university hospital in Zhejiang University in China.