HAN Kyung Koo | |
College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University
서울대 자유전공학부 Professor 교수
한경구는 1956년 서울에서 출생한 문화인류학자로서 서울대 인류학과와 동 대학원을 졸업하고 국사학과 대학원에서 수학했으며 미 하버드대에서 박사학위를 받았다. 외무부 북미담당관실, 강원대 인류학과, 국민대 국제학부를 거쳐 현재 서울대 자유전공학부 교수로 재직 중이다. 한국문화인류학회 부회장 및 편집위원장, 한국사회과학연구협의회 편집위원장, 재외한인학회 회장, 한국국제이해교육학회 회장, 한국이민학회 회장, 환경운동연합 정책위원장, 유네스코 한국위원회 집행위원, 부천 유네스코문학창의도시 운영위원장 등으로 활동하면서 세상을 보다 문화적으로 만들려 노력해왔다.
Mr. Kyung-Koo Han is a cultural anthropologist trained at Seoul National University (M.A.) and Harvard University (Ph.D.). He taught anthropology at Kangwon National University, and helped develop the Division of International Studies at Kookmin University as its dean. In 2009, he joined the newly founded College of Liberal Studies of Seoul National University and served as its dean until recently. Mr. Han has served as Chair of the Policy Planning Committee of the Korea Federation for the Environmental Movement, and has been a member of the Presidential Commission for Sustainable Development, and the Culture Committee of the Korean National Commission for UNESCO. He has also served on the editorial boards of the Korea Journal, Sahoewa yeoksa (Society and History), and Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, and was Editor of Hanguk munhwa inryuhak (Korean Cultural Anthropology) and of the Korean Social Science Journal. Mr. Han was President of the Korean International Migration Association, the Korean Society for the Education for International Understanding, and the Association for the Studies of Koreans Abroad, as well as Vice President of the Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology, and the Korean Society for Environmental Sociology. |