HA Tae Hyung | |
법무법인 율촌 Senior Advisor, Attorneys at Law 연구소장 겸 고문
하태형 고문은 서울대 경영대(학사), KAIST(석사), 뉴욕주립대(경제학박사) 출신으로 현대경제연구원 원장, 수원대 금융공학대학원 원장, 그리고 보아스 투자자문 대표이사를 역임하였다. 하 고문은 우리나라 금융업계에서는 드물게 학계 및 업계를 두루 거친 경험 위에 경제연구원장으로서의 폭넓은 식견을 갖추고 있다. 대외활동으로는 인사혁신처 자문위원, 한국전략경영학회 부회장 등을 맡고 있으며, 금융감독원 자본시장분과 자문위원, 한국거래소 파생상품시장 운영위원등을 역임하였다. <Testing Multi-Factor Models of the Term Structure of Chinese Gold Futures Market>, <다요인 CIR 모형을 통한 국내이자율 기간구조 추정>, <국내 장외파생상품의 현황과 과제> 등 다수의 저서와 논문을 집필했다.
HA Tae Hyung is a senior advisor at Yulchon. His practice covers the broad areas of financial industry including securities, asset managements and corporate finance. As one of the top experts on Korean derivatives, he has accumulated vast field experience in Korean financial market after receiving his Ph.D degree with a thesis on American financial derivatives. In the year 2011, he joined academia as the dean of Financial Engineering School in Suwon University. In 2014, he was appointed as the president of Hyundai Research Institute, the affiliated firm of Hyundai Group, well-known as one of the largest private sector think-tanks in Korea. He has written numerous books and articles including <Testing Multi-Factor Models of the Term Structure of Chinese Gold Futures Market>, < Estimating Multi-Factor CIR Models of the Term Structure of Interest rates in Korea Bond Market> and <Domestic OTC derivatives; Current Status & Tasks> |