PARK Enna | |
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Beijing
외교부 주중국대사관 Minister and Deputy Chief 공사
Ms. Enna Park, currently Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Beijing, has served as a career diplomat since 1985.
Her immediate previous position was Director General for Development Cooperation at the Headquarters of Foreign Ministry from 2011 to 2013, in charge of Korean ODA policy formulation and implementation bilaterally and multilaterally. She was a mastermind of the Busan Global Partnership for Development Cooperation launched at the Aid Effectiveness High-level Forum in 2011. With recognition of this achievement, she received Award for Outstanding Diplomat of the year. Prior to that, she served at the Korean Mission to the UN as Minister Counselor from 2007 to 2010. Her contribution to the advancement of women status through diplomatic efforts in the Commission on the Status of Women and UNIFEM (UN Women) was appreciated by being awarded the Order of Service Merit of the Korean Government. In her previous positions include foreign services in New Delhi, New York and Beijing. She has also served at the Presidential Office under President Kim Dae-Jung. Ms. Park holds a BA in History from Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and a MA in International Affairs from Columbia University. She was a visiting scholar at Columbia from 2010 to 2011. 박은하 주중국 대한민국대사관 공사는 1985년 외교부 근무를 시작한 직업외교관이다. 주인도대사관과 주유엔대표부 및 주뉴욕총영사관 근무 후 김대중대통령 시절 청와대 비서실에 파견되었으며, 그 후 주중국대사관 정무참사관직을 수행하였다. 이어 2007년에서 2010년간 주유엔대표부 공사참사관으로 재임 시 여성지위위원회와 유엔여성기금(UN Women 전신)에서 활동을 통해 여성지위향상에 기여한 공로로 근정포장을 수여 받았다. 2011년에서 2013년간 외교부 개발협력국장으로서 한국정부의 ODA정책과 집행을 총괄하였으며, 2011년 부산개발원조총회를 성공적으로 개최하고 범세계적 개발협력 규범인 Busan Global Partnership for Development Cooperation 출범에 기여하였다. 동 기여로 영산재단에서 수여하는 올해의 외교인상을 수상하였다. 연세대학교 사학과를 졸업하고 미국 컬럼비아대학 School of International Affairs에서 수학하였다. |