HEO Young-Sun | |
Jeju 4.3 Research Institute
제주4.3연구소 Director 소장
제주출생. 시인. 제주대 한국학 박사과정을 수료했으며 제민일보 편집부국장, 제주민예총 이사장, 제주 4·3평화재단 이사 등을 역임했다. 현재 제주4.3연구소 소장. 제주대강사. 5.18기념재단 이사. 사단법인 제주올레 이사로 있다. 저서로 <제주4.3을 묻는 너에게><제주4.3><탐라에 매혹된 세계인의 제주오디세이><섬, 기억의 바람><해녀들> 등 다수.
Young-Sun HEO, the Director of the Jeju 4.3 Research Institute and also a poet, was born in Jeju Island. She completed her Phd courses in Korean Studies from the Jeju National University. She acted as the Deputy Director of the editorial department in Jaemin Ilbo, the Chairman of the Federation of the Jeju Folk Artists and a board member of the Jeju 4.3 Peace Foundation. Currently, she serves as a lecturer at the Jeju National University and a board member of the 5.18 Memorial Foundation and the Jeju Olle. She published <For You Who Ask About the Jeju 4.3>, <Jeju 4.3>, <The Jeju Odyssey of the World Citizens attracted to Tamna> and many others. |