TIME | 17:20 ~ 18:40 |
[Foreign Correspondents' Round Table]: "Prospects for South-North Korean Relation and the Future of Northeast Asian Community" [외신기자 라운드테이블]: "남북한 경제협력 전망과 동북아시아 공동체” |
ROOM | Crystal Hall A |
Chair Theo SOMMER, Editor-at-Large, Die Zeit Panelists SOHN, Jie-Ae, Seoul Bureau Chief, CNN Anna FIFIELD, Financial Times Barbara DEMICK, LA Times Donald MACINTYRE, Time Magazine Charles SCANLON, BBC YANG, Rui, CCTV John HERSJKOVTZ, Reuters Don KIRK (CBS) FUNABASHI, Yoichi (Asahi Shimbun) 사회 김영희 중앙일보 대기자 |
Speaker |