TIME | 10:30 ~ 11:30 |
[8-A] Trends of Management in Asia, Europe and America 유럽ㆍ아메리카ㆍ아시아경영의흐름, 제주의도시디자인 |
ROOM | Crystal Hall A |
Main Speakers Cho, Dong-sung (Professor, Seoul National University) LEE, Green (Vice President, Brand Experience and Strategic Design, USA) Justus THEINERT (Professor of Design, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany) 주제발표 조동성(서울대학교 교수) Lee Green(Vice President of Brand Experience and Strategic Design, USA) Justus Theinert(Professor of Design, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany) Theme Flow of Management of Asia, Europe and America |
Speaker |