TIME | 14:00 ~ 15:10 |
[10-G] Workshop I: Collaboration 경영디자인 워크숍 l |
ROOM | Emerald Hall |
Speakers CHUNG, Kyung-won (Director, Culture, Tourism and Design Dpartment, Seoul City/Professor, Industrial Design Department, KAIST) Jamer HUNT (Professor, Parsons the New School for Design) Jennifer WHYTE (Reader in Innovation and Design, University of Reading, UK) Marc STICKDORN (Professor Management Center Innsbruck, Austria) Miso Kim (Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA) RYANG, Seung-ene (IDEO, Tokyo Office, Japan) Young-jin YOO (Professor, Fox School of Business, Temple University, USA) 발표 정경원(서울시 문화관광디자인 본부장(부시장)/카이스트 산업 디자인학과 교수) Jamer Hunt(Parsons the New School of Design, USA) Jennifer Whyte(University of Reading, UK) Marc Stickdorn(Management Center Innsbruck, Austria) Miso Kim(Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Seungene Ryang(IDEO, Tokyo Office, Japan) Youngjin Yoo(Professor, Fox School of Business, TempleUniversity, USA) In the area of business design, how can we work together to address urgent and critical social challenges? 경영디자인 분야에서 다급하고 긴박한 사회적 도전과제들을 다루기 위하여 어떻게 협력할 것인가? |
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