TIME | 15:20 ~ 16:50 |
정상회담 이후: 한반도 비핵화 |
ROOM | Samda |
[EAST ASIA FOUNDATION 동아시아재단] At the end of 2017, the United States announced in its National Security Strategy, that it will respond firmly to rogue states and rivals to the United States' institutions and its values. Particularly, China, Russia as well as North Korea were stipulated as threats to the national interests of the US and it was revealed the US would respond to security threats through strengthening security cooperation with its regional allies including South Korea and Japan in East Asia, and other states in the Indo-Pacific region. Driven by globalization, it is the geopolitical reality of Northeast Asia in the inevitability of increased interdependence as well as coexistence between the countries, where it is divided in the dichotomous ideologies of the democratic camp which pursues freedom and the socialist camp which grounds itself on control. In this context, what are the strategic choices for the great powers and middle powers, and the path to how one can promote harmony and trust between them? 남북 및 북미정상회담을 앞두고 한반도 비핵화 실현에 대한 기대와 우려가 공존하고 있다. 정상회담의 결과와 관계 없이, 지금까지 축적되어 온 북한의 핵자산을 이른바‘완전하고 검증가능하며 불가역적인 비핵화’로 이끄는 과정은 상당히 험난할 것으로 예상된다. 정상회담 이후 비핵화를 위한 실무 협상 과정에서 예상되는 혹은 예상치 못한 상황들로 인해 대화가 막다른 골목에 봉착할 수 있다. 어렵게 찾아온 이번 기회가 한반도, 동북아, 나아가 전 세계의 핵 긴장을 완화하고 역내 평화 체제를 구축할 디딤돌을 마련하는데 기여할 수 있는 성공 전략을 들어본다. |
File | jeffrey feltman.pdf |
Speaker |
KIM Sung-Hwan MOON Chung-in YUN Joseph FELTMAN Jeffrey NING Fukui |