TIME | 14:00 ~ 15:30 |
[Panel 2]: "Six-Party Formula and Northeast Asian Peace : Two Contending Views" [제2패널]: "6자 회담과 동북아 평화 : 이론적 모색" |
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Chair KIM Kyung-Won (President, the Institute of Social Sciences, Former ROK Ambassador to the U.S) Presentation - "Realism, Liberalism, and Regional Security Cooperation : Theory and Practice" (John IKENBERRY, Georgetown University) - "Six-Party Formula and Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia" (OKONOGI Masao, Keio University) - "Six-Party Formula and Security on the Korean Peninsula" (MOON Chung-in, Yonsei University) Discussion HA Young-Sun (Seoul National University) Han Feng (Deputy Director, Institute of Asia-Pacific Affairs, Chinese Academy of Social Science) William DRENNAN (Director, Research and Studies Program, United States Institute of Peace) 사회 김경원 (사회과학원 원장, 전 주미대사) 주제발표 - "지역 안보협력에 대한 현실주의와 자유주의의 견해 : 이론과 실제" (John IKENBERRY, Georgetown University 교수) - "6자회담과 동북아 다자간 안보협력구상" (OKONOGI Masao, 게이오대 교수) - "6자회담과 한반도 안보" (문정인, 연세대 교수) 토론 하영선 (서울대 교수) HAN Feng (중국 사회과학원 아태연구소 부소장) William DRENNAN (미국 평화연구소 수석연구원) |
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