TIME | 13:30 ~ 14:50 |
ORGANIZATION | 유엔세계식량계획 The United Nations World Food Programme |
전세계 인도주의 활동과 HDP(인도적지원-개발-평화) 넥서스 |
ROOM | Yeongju A |
2022년 전 세계는 기후변화, 코로나, 분쟁 및 식량과 에너지 가격의 폭등으로 전례 없는 인도주의 위기를 맞았다. 이에 더해 우크라이나-러시아 전쟁의 발발은 기아 인구의 추가적인 급증을 초래하였다. 우리가 직면하고 있는 전례 없는 인도주의적 위기의 본질 중 주요한 요인이 식량부족이다. 제로 헝거 달성을 위한 세계 최대 인도주의 기구인 WFP는 HDP 넥서스와 인도주의 활동에 필요한 구성 요소들을 다양한 관점에서 제시하기 위하여 주요 분쟁지역을 총괄하고 있는 WFP 인사와, 한국인으로서 국제무대에서 왕성하게 활동 중이신 국내 고위급 전문가를 본 세션에 초청하여 토론을 진행한다. 이를 통해 오늘날 기후 변화 대응, 인권 보호, 식량 지원과 같은 행동들이 어떻게 작동하여 세계평화를 이룩하기 위한 공동체의 해결 방법이 될 수 있는지를 함께 논의하고 그에 대한 의견을 제시하고자 한다. 2022 is proving to be the year of unprecedented humanitarian needs, with climate shocks, conflict, COVID-19 and spiraling costs of food and fuel driving millions closer to starvation, forging a band of instability that wraps right around the globe. At the same time, the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine are radiating outwards, triggering a wave of collateral hunger that is spreading across the globe. Given the nature of the unprecedented humanitarian crisis facing the planet is one of acute food shortage and food insecurity, WFP would like to propose a panel discussion ? to be co-hosted with a Korean Government agency, such as KOICA - to present different perspectives around HDP (Humanitarian, Development and Peace) nexus and the components of humanitarian action needed in today’s world of, showcasing how coordinated action, protection of human rights and food assistance can be the collective pathway to peace. On this matter, the role of ROK both as one of the most developed nations in the world and one whose recent history stands as a shining example of ending hunger can provide a rich and meaningful foundation to how countries can learn from ROK’s own journey and success. In this session, we aim to re-imagine humanitarian response and protection during a time of unprecedented global crisis. Based on the idea of maintenance of international peace and security, we will examine the correlations of conflict, climate and food security. Leading towards the bigger discussion of opportunities through the HDP Nexus, we will also look into how to ensure human rights and protection through humanitarian action. In this session, we aim to re-imagine humanitarian response and protection during a time of unprecedented global crisis. Based on the idea of maintenance of international peace and security, we will examine the correlations of conflict, climate and food security. Leading towards the bigger discussion of opportunities through the HDP Nexus, we will also look into how to ensure human rights and protection through humanitarian action. |
Speaker |
[Moderator]JO Daeshik [Speaker/Discussant]KIM Hyoeun [Speaker/Discussant]OH Joon [Speaker/Discussant]LEE Yanghee [Speaker/Discussant]Corinne FLEISCHER |