The Jeju Forum started as a regional multilateral dialogue for promoting peace and prosperity in East Asia. The Forum serves as a platform for world leaders and other high-profile participants to discuss and share visions on various issues in the region. It provides profound insights into the world and contributes to cooperation and development in Asia.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute
09:00 ~ 10:20
[7-GⅠ] Recent Decisions on the Territorial and Maritime Boundary Issues and East Asia: New Challenges and
최근 영토, 해양법 관련 국제 판례와 동아시아: 향후발전과 과제
[The Korea Society of International Law(KSIL)]

As tensions increase with respect to the territorial issues in East Asia, this session attempts to find solutions by examining the recent decisions of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). It carefully examines the difference between the tribunal and the existing international courts on their legal interpretations. It also examines the implications of their interpretations for Korea, particularly, regarding the issue on the delimitation of maritime boundaries. It finally discusses possible improvements for maintaining peace in the East Asia region.

동아시아 지역에서 영유권 문제와 관련된 갈등이 고조되고 있는 오늘날 국제해양법재판소의 최근 판결을 검토하여 그 해소방법을 찾는다. 구체적으로 최근 재판소의 법리 해석이 기존 국제판결의 법리 해석과 어떠한 점에서 차이를
보이는지 중점적으로 검토해 본다. 그리고 이러한 해석이 우리나라를 둘러싼 해양경계획정 문제에 어떠한 함의를 갖는지 분석하고 동아시아 평화를 위한 해결책을 제시해 본다.

File 7g1.pdf
File 7g1(eng).pdf

KIM Boo Chan


LEE Chang Wie

PAIK Jin-Hyun

PARK Young Kil

LEE Chang Youl
