13:30 ~ 15:00 | 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 Institute for Peace and Unification Studies of Seoul National University |
한반도의 평화와 번영을 위한 협력: 식량, 영양, 자원 Cooperation for Peace and Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula: Food, Nutrition, and Resources |
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In this session, we aim to explore strategies for cooperation towards peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, focusing on three aspects: food, nutrition, and resource management. North Korea, in its 2021 Voluntary National Reports on sustainable development, acknowledged the challenges facing its agriculture sector. The report revealed that North Korea's grain production target for 2020 was 7 million tons; however, the actual output amounted to only 5.52 million tons, falling short by 1.48 million tons. Furthermore, the stunting rate among children under five was approximately 17%—a reduction from 28% in 2012, yet still alarmingly high. This session is designed to dissect North Korea's food issues into ‘production’ and ‘distribution’ for in-depth discussion. Regarding the nutritional status within North Korea, we will examine the current situation and challenges before considering potential improvement strategies. Finally, to enhance the practicality of our approach, we will discuss cooperative strategies for managing resources in the border regions, which represent the initial steps towards inter-Korean cooperation. |
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