9:00 ~ 10:20 | 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University |
한반도 생명 공동체 구축을 위한 남북한 보건의료 협력 Inter-Korean Health and Medical Cooperation for the Formation of a ‘Life Community’ on the Korean Peninsula |
영주홀 B Yeongju B |
Despite the recent deterioration in inter-Korean relations, the need for cooperation in healthcare has never been greater. In particular, the need for joint epidemic prevention between the two Koreas to effectively respond to "health security" threats, such as the threats of viruses and pathogens that can spread across the Korean Peninsula at any time through animals, for example, the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) and Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), has increased in recent years. Because the two Koreas are connected by land, no matter how thoroughly one side implements quarantine, it is not possible to prevent the introduction of viruses through wildlife, migratory birds, and insects. Taking this point into account, this session will examine the multidimensional framework for health security cooperation between the two Koreas in order to effectively respond to these health security threats, which have gained renewed importance since the recent COVID-19 pandemic. |
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