This year, the Jeju Forum hosted 3,672 participants from 49 countries, the largest number in the forum’s history, signaling its growing importance as an international forum that deals comprehensively with a variety of topics. With one voice, Asian political leaders and erudite scholars from around the world expressed their yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula, and delivered the East Asian community’s shared vision of a peaceful, constructive resolution to historical and territorial disputes in Asia, founded on mutual understanding. Seeking global cooperation that befits this anticipated paradigm shift, a broad range of topics was considered, including the economy, culture, women, energy, and climate change. As a result of these discussions, new measures were devised to respond effectively to various crises and changes.Based on the fruits of this year’s discussions.
Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute
10:40 ~ 12:00 | [7-A] Northeast Asia and the Helsinki Process: Can It Be Replicated? 동북아와 헬싱키 프로세스: 모사 될 수 있는가? |
Room A | |
Participants Stein TØNNESSON (Former Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo) “The Helsinki Process and European Security: Implications” Vasyl MARMAZOV (Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Korea) “OSCE’s Role and Recent Contributions in Northeast Asia” G. John IKENBERRY (Albert G. Milbank Professor of Political Science, Princeton University) “The U.S. and Northeast Asian Multilateral Security Cooperation” YU, Hyun-Seok (President, Korea Foundation) “The Park Geun-hye Government and Northeast Asian Trust-Building Process” WU, Xinbo (Professor of International Relations, Fudan University) “China, Regional Hegemon or Trust-builder?” Rapporteur: SHIN, Yoon Hee (Program Officer, East Asia Foundation) 사회: 가렛 에반스 (호주국립대학교 총장 / 前 호주 외교부장관) 발제 스타인 퇴니슨 (前 오슬로평화연구소 소장) “헬싱키 프로세스와 유럽 안보가 갖는 함의 ” 바실 마르마조프 (주한 우크라이나 대사) “유럽안보협력기구의 역할과 동북아에서의 공헌” G. 존 아이켄베리 (프린스턴대학교 정치학 석좌교수) “미국과 동북아 다자안보협력” 유현석 (한국국제교류재단 이사장) “박근혜 정부와 동북아 신뢰구축 프로세스 ” 우신보 (복단대학교 국제관계학 교수) “중국은 지역패권국인가 신뢰구축국가인가?” 라포터: 신윤희 (동아시아재단 간사) The “Helsinki Process” refers to the process, in which 35 member States of both NATO and Warsaw Pact have been implementing the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), also known as the Helsinki Accords, concluded in 1975. This comprehensive Act contains 10 Principles and 3 Baskets – a broad range of measures designed to enhance security and cooperation in Europe. Meanwhile, President Park Geun-hye recently proposed the “Seoul Process” to overcome “Asian paradox” in her speech to a joint session of the US Congress on May 8th, in which she envisioned a multilateral dialogue process, much like the “Helsinki Process,” by the US and other Northeast Asian countries, even including North Korea, for peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia. This session will deal with similarities and differences between the two processes and their implications for Northeast Asia. |
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