The 6th Jeju Forum evaluated the challenges and opportunities the rise of China and the reunification of the Korean peninsula will offer. The Forum also took note of the great potential of new growth on the basis of the Asian entrepreneurship. With this background, various programs on Korea-China economic cooperation are prepared. The contents of new standard and its perspectives were reviewed. New growth potential, creative industry, new leadership, the future of education and the role of women were also addressed. Peace and common prosperity on the Korean peninsula and East Asia through the promotion of mutual understanding was discussed. The cultural exchanges and fusion in East Asia was reviewed and we evaluated how it is promoting the sense of community among the Asian peoples. Various issues of peace in East Asia such as the resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem, historical reconciliation and maritime security are among the topics. The recent natural disaster of Japan was reviewed and among the related topics are how to deal with the climate change and natural disasters.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute 
09:00 ~ 10:20
[Plenary Session Ⅲ] G20 Era, Changes in the Financial Market and Prospects of a New Asia(Keynote Speeches)
[전체회의Ⅲ] G20 시대, 금융시장체제변화와뉴아시아전망(기조연설)
Diamond Hall
Keynote Speeches
Virginia KAMSKY (CEO, Kamsky Management Corporation, USA)
SHEN, Ning (Vice President, JP Morgan Asia Pacific Research)
WANG, Shuan Hong(CEO, Green Group Co., Ltd)
JIN, Soo-hyung (Vice President, Korea Exchange)
HYUN, Jae-Hyun(Chairman, Tong Yang Group/Chairman, Economic Policy Committee)

버지니아 캄스키(미국 캄스키 경영자문화사 대표)
션닝(沈)(JP모건 아태지역 연구부 부사장)
왕슈안홍(王)(거린그룹 회장)
진수형(한국거래소 부이사장)
현재현(동양그룹 회장/전경련경제정책위원회 위원장)

Global financial markets inevitably have a considerable impact on business management in every country, and changes in the world financial markets are a factor that firms cannot fail to consider when determining their international business strategies. Since the advent of the G20 summit, the world has been adopting a new system of global financial and economic standards, and such changes in the global environment are leading to significant changes in the existing rules of conduct. This session will examine the new economic and financial environments and discuss their effects on Asian countries and businesses.
- The Emerging New International Order: What is it? What is at stake?
- How do complex changes in the environment following the G20 affect Asian countries, cities, and firms?
- How will the economic and financial environment change, and how will business respond?
ㆍ The future of the financial market
ㆍ The Asian crisis and the opportunity it presents
ㆍ The impact of the Chinese financial market on the world economy
ㆍ The cooperation system of the Asian financial system

세계의 금융시장은 모든 국가들의 기업경영에 필연적으로 영향을 미치고 있으며, 전 세계 금융시장의 변화는 기업들의 국제경영전략 결정에 피할 수 없는 요소가 되었습니다. G20 이후, 세계는 점점 새로운 글로벌 금융과 경제표준 체계에 진입하였으며, 새로운 환경의 변화는 기존의 행동원칙에 커다란 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. 본 세션에서는 새로운 경제 및 금융 환경변화를 조명하고, 아시아국가와 기업에 어떠한 영향을 주는지에 대해 토론을 합니다.
- 새로운 국제질서의 형성, 그 실체의 정의와 구성 내용은 무엇인가?
- G20 체계로 인한 미래 환경의 다양한 변화가 아시아의 국가, 도시, 기업들에게 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가?
- 향후의 경제 및 금융 환경은 어떻게 변화할 것이고, 기업은 어떻게 대응할 것인가?
ㆍ금융 시장의 미래
ㆍ아시아의 위기와 그에 따른 기회
ㆍ중국 금융시장은 세계 경제에 미치는 영향
ㆍ아시아 금융시스템의 협력 시스템

