At the forum, domestic and international participants from 60 sessions dealt with various issues ranging from international cooperation & security, economy & business, culture, gender, community development, and the environment, and had wide discussions on regional and global cooperation and challenges beyond the Asias paradox for new Asia. And the Trilateral cooperation Secretariat participated in the forum for the first time, organizing 3 concurrent sessions, and contributed to the Jeju Forums goal of peace and prosperity in Korea, Japan, and China. 

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

14:00 ~ 15:20
[4-B] Strategies for Establishing Stable Industrial Relations in Asia|아시아 진출 기업의 노사관계 발전 전략
Room B

For the recent several years, a growing number of companies are entering the Asian countries. In order to prevent labor disputes and establish stable industrial relations, the KEF would like to share how to build stable and harmonious industrial relations especially in foreign countries.

아시아는 풍부한 노동력과 저렴한 인건비 등으로 인해 투자 기업의 수가 지난 몇 년간 꾸준한 증가세를 보이고 있습니다. 최근 캄보디아의 대규모 파업과 같은 사태를 방지하기 위해서는 어떠한 노력이 필요한지, 외투기업의 노무관리 기본방향 및 유의사항에 대해 생각해보는 자리를 마련하고자 합니다

File 4-b_assist_140508(최종).ppt
